1 – Vivense – Böyle Daha Güzel
Akbank – Ayrılamam Yolundan
Castrol – Bu da mı Castrol?
Kiğılı – Üstünde ne var?
Mavi – #mavidönüşüm
Now – Now Gibi Olsun
anima has many meanings.
In philosophy it means “soul”,
in psychology it means “inner self”,
in mythology it means “vitality”.
For us, it’s all of the above.
And more…
anima is movement, anima is teamwork, anima is transparency, anima is eco-friendly production, anima is “enjoy the process”,
anima is “all about craft”, anima is fun, anima is us! anima is a creative film company based in İstanbul.
We are anima.
We make it happen.